Investigaci贸n y Preparaci贸n para Interacci贸n Comunitaria / Research and Community Engagement Preparations 馃崈


Spilotes pullatus, Mayo/May 2024

El d铆a de hoy consisti贸 en la toma de datos, exploraci贸n y planificaci贸n de actividades junto a mis compa帽eros. Comenzamos el d铆a tomando el tercer y los 煤ltimos datos requeridos, en la mayor铆a de los puntos, para la composici贸n de aves en Batipa. Estoy emocionada por poder analizar por completo los resultados; no obstante, todav铆a falta un 煤ltimo muestreo en uno de los puntos establecidos que se realizar谩 ma帽ana. Al volver, pudimos descansar un poco, ya que segu铆amos cansados por el d铆a anterior. En la tarde, gracias a un esfuerzo colaborativo, pudimos capturar nuestra primera culebra para que el profesor Alberto pudiera identificarla, aunque en ese momento 茅l no se encontraba en el campamento. Esta result贸 ser una bella hembra de la especie Spilotes pullatus. En la noche estuvimos trabajando en la presentaci贸n sobre el agua limpia y su importancia, que vamos a dar en una de las comunidades Ng盲be-Bugl茅 ma帽ana. Estamos nerviosos, pero s茅 que lo vamos a hacer bien, ya que todos nos estamos esforzando al m谩ximo. No puedo esperar a ma帽ana para visitar por primera vez a la comunidad Ng盲be-Bugl茅 y conocer m谩s sobre sus tradiciones y su gente. 


Today was about data collection, exploration, and planning activities with my colleagues. We started the day by taking the third and final required data points for most of the locations for bird composition in Batipa. I am excited to fully analyze the results; however, there is still one last sample to be taken at one of the established points, which will be done tomorrow. Upon returning, we were able to rest a bit since we were still tired from the previous day. In the afternoon, thanks to a collaborative effort, we managed to capture our first snake for Professor Alberto to identify, although he was not at the camp at that moment. It turned out to be a beautiful female of the species Spilotes pullatus. In the evening, we worked on the presentation about clean water and its importance, which we will give in one of the Ng盲be-Bugl茅 communities tomorrow. We are nervous, but I know we will do well since everyone is putting in their best effort. I can't wait for tomorrow to visit the Ng盲be-Bugl茅 community for the first time and learn more about their traditions and people.


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